On Sat, 04 May 2019 14:42:28 -0300 Niv Sardi <x...@btn.sh><mailto:x...@btn.sh> wrote: > mozilla is roling out a fix > https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2019/05/04/update-regarding-add-ons-in-firefox/ > that said they are using the 'studies' infrastructure to do so, and > they seem to be disabled in the debian build.
The blog post above keeps updating. "A Firefox release has been pushed — version 66.0.4 on Desktop and Android, and version 60.6.2 for ESR." Will this update reach Debian Stable/Testing/Unstable/Experimental? Best regards, Pedro Silva <https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/60.6.2/releasenotes/>