On Thursday, May 02 2019, Santiago Vila wrote:

> Hi. I finally found the reason for this build failure.


> This is from the README.md:
>   By default pygments.rb will timeout calls to pygments that take over 8
>   seconds. You can change this by setting the environmental variable
>   MENTOS_TIMEOUT to a different positive integer value.
> This is defined in line 257 in lib/pygments/popen.rb:
>   timeout_time = Integer(ENV["MENTOS_TIMEOUT"]) rescue 8
> Based on the above, this is what makes the build failure to be fully
> reproducible for me:
> dpkg-buildpackage
> (I'm going to give Sergio access to a system where the above works,
> just in case his computer is very fast).

Aha...  Good work!

BTW, I was able to reproduce the bug here by setting MENTOS_TIMEOUT=1,
so there's no need to give me access to the machine :-).

> Now, we can consider such low value (8) as a bug in itself, or we
> could just concentrate on the build failure.
> At the very minimum, and in my opinion, we should at least make the
> package to build ok for everybody, not just those having a "fast
> computer" (whatever that means). The end user must be able to modify
> and then rebuild the package without having to jump through hoops.
> I'm not talking about building on "very old computers" here, the
> failure happens on reproducible-builds.org, which is already a bad
> sign, and also on systems which are still in the VPS market right now
> (like the Scaleway instances).

Yeah, it seems like increasing the timeout is the most sensible thing to
do in our case.

> Proposed patch below.
> Thanks.
> --- a/debian/rules
> +++ b/debian/rules
> @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
>  #!/usr/bin/make -f
>  export GEM2DEB_TEST_RUNNER = --check-dependencies
> +export MENTOS_TIMEOUT = 60

I like adding a comment explaining why this is needed; it can be just a
very brief phrase + a link to this bug.

>  %:
>       dh $@ --buildsystem=ruby --with ruby

Thanks for the patch.

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