tag 928315 unreproducible moreinfo

Hi Stuart!

El miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019 22:03:55 -03 Stuart Prescott escribió:
> Package: qtchooser
> Version: 66-1
> Severity: serious
> Justification: Policy 9.9 Programs installed on PATH must not depend on
> environment to get reasonable defaults
> Dear Maintainer,
> On two systems I have running buster, I get the following:
> $ qdbus
> qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus' since it
> links to qdbus itself. Check your installation. $ QT_SELECT=5 qdbus
> [... lots of output ...]

There is something odd in here. Calling qdbus without parameters should not 
call the qt5 version as in your case.

By default the qt4 version should be called except the user does something to 
force the situation like installing qt5-default or passing -qt5 as argument or 
setting the environment variable you discovered above. But again: it should 
not happen in an "out of the box" installation.

Do you have qt4-default or qt5-default installed? In case you do: did you 
install it by hand or something else dragged it in? I have tried to reproduce 
the issue with and without qt5-default installed without success, so the issue 
might be somewhere else.

Cheers, Lisandro.

“I don’t think security can solve problems.
We need to teach greater respect.”
  Oslo Mayor Stang when asked whether Oslo needs greater security
  after the attacks in Norway, 07/2011.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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