On 15.04.19 21:22, Adam Conrad wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 11:34:59PM +0200, Hilmar Preuße wrote:

Hi Adam,

>> The official caffe package builds fine, see [1]. Therefore I suspect
>> that you use a different source package. Please provide the source
>> package anywhere so we can reproduce/investigate the issue.
> I'm not sure what makes you think the official caffe package builds,
> as the docs (arch:all) haven't built in over 130 days.
> I assure you, the testing I did was on sid, with the sid package.
OK, you're right: the package shows an FTBFS, when building the
documentation. For reproduction you may download it from [1] and try to
compile refman. Still I'm convinced that we look at a new issue. So
please close the old bug and open a new one!! Thanks.

Regarding the comment from Jochen: the documentation builds fine when
using the current tabu.sty from github.

@Norbert: can we risk it to upload that new tabu.sty to unstable?


[1] https://freeshell.de/~hille42/latex.tar.xz
#206401 http://counter.li.org

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