tags 912184 + patch

This has been fixed in upstream repo (but not yet included in a release):

The attached patch is an adaptation of this change for the current
version in Debian. With this patch, I'm able to build the package again.

Updating the package to latest upstream release would be ideal. But this
also adds a new dependency (sybil) not yet packaged in Debian.
From 43aab9a4f6f8b435ad390346cca84a3536980227 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Valleroy <jvalle...@mailbox.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 20:17:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add patch to deal with the comma vanishing from repr in 3.7

Based on https://github.com/Simplistix/testfixtures/commit/6e8807543b804946aba58e2c9e92f5bdc3656a57
 ...the-comma-vanishing-from-repr-in-3.7.patch | 320 ++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                         |   1 +
 2 files changed, 321 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/0003-Deal-with-the-comma-vanishing-from-repr-in-3.7.patch

diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-Deal-with-the-comma-vanishing-from-repr-in-3.7.patch b/debian/patches/0003-Deal-with-the-comma-vanishing-from-repr-in-3.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9da3114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0003-Deal-with-the-comma-vanishing-from-repr-in-3.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+From: James Valleroy <jvalle...@mailbox.org>
+Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 20:18:49 -0500
+Subject: Deal with the comma vanishing from repr in 3.7
+Based on https://github.com/Simplistix/testfixtures/commit/6e8807543b804946aba58e2c9e92f5bdc3656a57
+ docs/exceptions.txt                     |  2 +-
+ docs/logging.txt                        |  2 +-
+ docs/warnings.txt                       |  6 +--
+ testfixtures/compat.py                  |  5 +++
+ testfixtures/tests/test_compare.py      | 38 +++++++++++++------
+ testfixtures/tests/test_should_raise.py | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ testfixtures/tests/test_shouldwarn.py   | 13 +++++--
+ 7 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/docs/exceptions.txt b/docs/exceptions.txt
+index 67d7e36..eeadc0b 100644
+--- a/docs/exceptions.txt
++++ b/docs/exceptions.txt
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ causing the tests in which it occurs to fail:
+ ...     the_thrower()
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+-AssertionError: ValueError('Not good!',) raised, ValueError('Is good!',) expected
++AssertionError: ValueError('Not good!'...) raised, ValueError('Is good!'...) expected
+ If you're not concerned about anything more than the type of the
+ exception that's raised, you can check as follows:
+diff --git a/docs/logging.txt b/docs/logging.txt
+index e5d064d..e52b4b8 100644
+--- a/docs/logging.txt
++++ b/docs/logging.txt
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ A common case of this is where you want to check that exception
+ information was logged for certain messages:
+ >>> print(l.records[-1].exc_info)
+-(<... '...RuntimeError'>, RuntimeError('No code to run!',), <traceback object at ...>)
++(<... '...RuntimeError'>, RuntimeError('No code to run!'...), <traceback object at ...>)
+ If you're working in a unit test, the following code may be more
+ appropriate: 
+diff --git a/docs/warnings.txt b/docs/warnings.txt
+index 2642fa8..147b3b9 100644
+--- a/docs/warnings.txt
++++ b/docs/warnings.txt
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ expected:
+   </C>]
+ actual:
+-[UserWarning("sorry dave, I can't let you do that",)]
++[UserWarning("sorry dave, I can't let you do that"...)]
+ You can check multiple warnings in a particular piece of code:
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ them into a list as follows:
+ >>> len(captured)
+ 1
+ >>> captured[0].message
+ >>> captured[0].lineno
+ 42
+@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ expected:
+ []
+ actual:
+-[UserWarning('woah dude',)]
++[UserWarning('woah dude'...)]
+diff --git a/testfixtures/compat.py b/testfixtures/compat.py
+index fe4a632..48805b0 100644
+--- a/testfixtures/compat.py
++++ b/testfixtures/compat.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+ # compatibility module for different python versions
+ import sys
++PY_VERSION = sys.version_info[:2]
++PY_37_PLUS = PY_VERSION >= (3, 7)
+ if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 0):
+     PY2 = False
+diff --git a/testfixtures/tests/test_compare.py b/testfixtures/tests/test_compare.py
+index 8e390c7..f525a14 100644
+--- a/testfixtures/tests/test_compare.py
++++ b/testfixtures/tests/test_compare.py
+@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ from testfixtures import (
+     )
+ from testfixtures.compat import (
+     class_type_name, exception_module, PY3, xrange,
+-    BytesLiteral, UnicodeLiteral
++    BytesLiteral, UnicodeLiteral,
++    PY_37_PLUS
+     )
+ from testfixtures.comparison import compare_sequence
+ from unittest import TestCase
+@@ -152,10 +153,16 @@ class TestCompare(CompareHelper, TestCase):
+     def test_exception_different_object(self):
+         e1 = ValueError('some message')
+         e2 = ValueError('some message')
+-        self.check_raises(
+-            e1, e2,
+-            "ValueError('some message',) != ValueError('some message',)"
+-            )
++        if PY_37_PLUS:
++            self.check_raises(
++                e1, e2,
++                "ValueError('some message') != ValueError('some message')"
++                )
++        else:
++            self.check_raises(
++                e1, e2,
++                "ValueError('some message',) != ValueError('some message',)"
++                )
+     def test_exception_different_object_c_wrapper(self):
+         e1 = ValueError('some message')
+@@ -165,10 +172,16 @@ class TestCompare(CompareHelper, TestCase):
+     def test_exception_diff(self):
+         e1 = ValueError('some message')
+         e2 = ValueError('some other message')
+-        self.check_raises(
+-            e1, e2,
+-            "ValueError('some message',) != ValueError('some other message',)"
+-            )
++        if PY_37_PLUS:
++            self.check_raises(
++                e1, e2,
++                "ValueError('some message') != ValueError('some other message')"
++                )
++        else:
++            self.check_raises(
++                e1, e2,
++                "ValueError('some message',) != ValueError('some other message',)"
++                )
+     def test_exception_diff_c_wrapper(self):
+         e1 = ValueError('some message')
+@@ -176,12 +189,13 @@ class TestCompare(CompareHelper, TestCase):
+         self.check_raises(
+             C(e1), e2,
+             ("\n"
+-             "  <C(failed):{0}.ValueError>\n"
++             "  <C(failed):{}.ValueError>\n"
+              "  args:('some message',) != ('some other message',)\n"
+              "  </C>"
+              " != "
+-             "ValueError('some other message',)"
+-             ).format(exception_module))
++             "ValueError('some other message'{})"
++             ).format(exception_module,
++                      '' if PY_37_PLUS else ','))
+     def test_sequence_long(self):
+         self.check_raises(
+diff --git a/testfixtures/tests/test_should_raise.py b/testfixtures/tests/test_should_raise.py
+index 4f860e9..fc548a7 100644
+--- a/testfixtures/tests/test_should_raise.py
++++ b/testfixtures/tests/test_should_raise.py
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from unittest import TestCase
+ from .compat import py_33_plus
+ from .compat import py_36_plus
++from ..compat import PY_37_PLUS
+ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+@@ -34,11 +35,18 @@ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+         try:
+             should_raise(ValueError('foo'))(to_test)()
+         except AssertionError as e:
+-            self.assertEqual(
+-                e,
+-                C(AssertionError(
+-                    "ValueError('bar',) raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"
+-                )))
++            if PY_37_PLUS:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError(
++                        "ValueError('bar') raised, ValueError('foo') expected"
++                    )))
++            else:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError(
++                        "ValueError('bar',) raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"
++                    )))
+         else:
+             self.fail('No exception raised!')
+@@ -146,11 +154,18 @@ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+             with ShouldRaise(ValueError('foo')):
+                 raise ValueError('bar')
+         except AssertionError as e:
+-            self.assertEqual(
+-                e,
+-                C(AssertionError(
+-                    "ValueError('bar',) raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"
+-                )))
++            if PY_37_PLUS:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError(
++                        "ValueError('bar') raised, ValueError('foo') expected"
++                    )))
++            else:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError(
++                        "ValueError('bar',) raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"
++                    )))
+         else:
+             self.fail('No exception raised!')
+@@ -163,10 +178,16 @@ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+             with ShouldRaise(ValueError('foo')):
+                 pass
+         except AssertionError as e:
+-            self.assertEqual(
+-                e,
+-                C(AssertionError("None raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"))
+-                )
++            if PY_37_PLUS:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError("None raised, ValueError('foo') expected"))
++                    )
++            else:
++                self.assertEqual(
++                    e,
++                    C(AssertionError("None raised, ValueError('foo',) expected"))
++                    )
+         else:
+             self.fail('No exception raised!')
+@@ -212,7 +233,10 @@ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+             raise FileTypeError('X')
+     def test_assert_keyerror_raised(self):
+-        expected = "KeyError('foo',) raised, AttributeError('foo',) expected"
++        if PY_37_PLUS:
++            expected = "KeyError('foo') raised, AttributeError('foo') expected"
++        else:
++            expected = "KeyError('foo',) raised, AttributeError('foo',) expected"
+         class Dodgy(dict):
+             def __getattr__(self, name):
+@@ -259,9 +283,14 @@ class TestShouldRaise(TestCase):
+             with ShouldRaise(unless=True):
+                 raise AttributeError('foo')
+         except AssertionError as e:
+-            self.assertEqual(e, C(AssertionError(
+-                "AttributeError('foo',) raised, no exception expected"
+-                )))
++            if PY_37_PLUS:
++                self.assertEqual(e, C(AssertionError(
++                    "AttributeError('foo') raised, no exception expected"
++                    )))
++            else:
++                self.assertEqual(e, C(AssertionError(
++                    "AttributeError('foo',) raised, no exception expected"
++                    )))
+         else:
+             self.fail('No exception raised!')
+diff --git a/testfixtures/tests/test_shouldwarn.py b/testfixtures/tests/test_shouldwarn.py
+index 1e9b49c..230da76 100644
+--- a/testfixtures/tests/test_shouldwarn.py
++++ b/testfixtures/tests/test_shouldwarn.py
+@@ -6,13 +6,18 @@ from testfixtures import (
+     ShouldWarn, compare, ShouldRaise, ShouldNotWarn,
+     Comparison as C
+ )
+-from testfixtures.compat import PY3
++from testfixtures.compat import PY3, PY_37_PLUS
+ if PY3:
+     warn_module = 'builtins'
+ else:
+     warn_module = 'exceptions'
++if PY_37_PLUS:
++    comma = ''
++    comma = ','
+ from .compat import py_36_plus
+@@ -29,7 +34,7 @@ class ShouldWarnTests(TestCase):
+             "sequence not as expected:\n\n"
+             "same:\n[]\n\n"
+             "expected:\n[]\n\n"
+-            "actual:\n[UserWarning('foo',)]"
++            "actual:\n[UserWarning('foo'"+comma+")]"
+         )):
+             with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as backstop:
+                 with ShouldNotWarn():
+@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ class ShouldWarnTests(TestCase):
+             "same:\n[]\n\n"
+             "expected:\n"
+             "[<C(failed):"+warn_module+".DeprecationWarning>wrong type</C>]\n\n"
+-            "actual:\n[UserWarning('foo',)]"
++            "actual:\n[UserWarning('foo'"+comma+")]"
+         )):
+             with ShouldWarn(DeprecationWarning):
+                 warnings.warn('foo')
+@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ class ShouldWarnTests(TestCase):
+             "  <C(failed):"+warn_module+".DeprecationWarning>\n"
+             "  args:('bar',) != ('foo',)"
+             "\n  </C>]\n\n"
+-            "actual:\n[DeprecationWarning('foo',)]"
++            "actual:\n[DeprecationWarning('foo'"+comma+")]"
+         )):
+             with ShouldWarn(DeprecationWarning('bar')):
+                 warnings.warn_explicit(
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f58db19..b100569 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

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