severity 362966 normal

On Sun, 16 Apr 2006, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and *not* to

I've not yet pulled the source, but I may've found the problem...

the administrator id (from Samba) was somehow assigned a low uid,
one that was in use by an id with a shorter name.

moving administrator to an unused uid seems to have solved the issue

Since things are still going after the change, this probably shouldn't
be that high a priority issue... it shouldn't abort - a syslog note
would be much nicer :)

Rick Nelson
innovate /IN no vait/ vb.: 1. To appropriate third-party technology
through purchase, imitation, or theft and to integrate it into a
de-facto, monopoly-position product. 2.  To increase in size or complexity
but not in utility; to reduce compatibility or interoperability. 3. To
lock-out competitors or to lock-in users. 4. To charge more money; to
increase prices or costs. 5. To acquire profits from investments in other
companies but not from direct product or service sales. 6. To stifle or
manipulate a free market; to extend monopoly powers into new markets.  7.
To evade liability for wrong-doings; to get off.  8. To purchase
legislation, legislators, legislatures, or chiefs of state.  9.  To
mediate all transactions in a global economy; to embezzle; to co-opt power
(coup d'?tat). Cf. innovate, English usage (antonym).
                -- csbruce, in a Slashdot post

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