Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> I think it would be better for Debian for gnial to be removed from
> Debian.  [...] Please let me know what you think we should do here.

I am not in a position to decide the faith of a package that I do not
maintain.  It looks like a tiny little program that doesn't appear to
require too much effort wrt maintenance.  Its usefulness is debatable
but I can say the same about tons of other Debian packages that are
actively maintained upstream but I don't use; that's very subjective.

> I apologize for the time you spent working on this package.

No problem, my patch shouldn't stop you from removing the package if
that is deemed as the better course of action.  (Although if you or
other members of the GNOME team intend to remove rdeps rather than
porting to current APIs, I would appreciate if you communicate your
intention early enough to avoid unnecessary porting work.)

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