Processing commands for > unarchive 896893 Bug #896893 {Done: James Cowgill <>} [] transition: ffmpeg Unarchived Bug 896893 > forcemerge 888357 910795 Bug #888357 [src:opal] opal: FTBFS with FFmpeg 4.0 Bug #910795 [src:opal] libopal3.10.10: package uninstallable 896893 was blocked by: 888385 888345 888353 888360 888343 888344 888384 888356 896823 888335 888357 888386 888326 888352 888338 888328 888332 888381 888325 904104 904267 888330 888376 888375 888370 888380 888374 888329 888336 888383 888378 888372 888371 888346 888367 888349 888350 888364 888389 888377 896824 896825 888373 888331 888347 888382 888333 888359 888362 888337 888388 888365 888363 888358 888340 888366 896893 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 896893: 910795 Added indication that 910795 affects libopal3.10.10 Marked as found in versions opal/3.10.10~dfsg2-2.1. Added tag(s) patch, buster, ftbfs, and sid. Merged 888357 910795 > affects 888357 libopal3.10.10 Bug #888357 [src:opal] opal: FTBFS with FFmpeg 4.0 Bug #910795 [src:opal] libopal3.10.10: package uninstallable Ignoring request to set affects of bug 888357 to the same value previously set Ignoring request to set affects of bug 910795 to the same value previously set > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 888357: 896893: 910795: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems