Hi nico,
On 2018-08-23 16:53, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:
Hi Mehdi,
On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 03:00:22PM +0200, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> [...]
> It makes opam unusable for jessie users: already initialised ones can't
> install new compilers nor update packages, and with a fresh install opam
> is almost unusable (e.g. [3]).
Unfortunately, we won't be able to upgrade Opam to 1.2.2 in Debian
fwiw, I meant "oldstable" above.
I can ask for its removal, or document in this bugreport how to point
installation to a frozen working mirror?
Doesn't the release policy allow shipping a new upstream version to
*-pu, if
there is no other way to get the bug resolved (and after consulting the
team) ? Or is the issue that there won't be new point releases ?
I am not sure what the Release Team would accept at this point (Jessie
is already
EOL'ed). So, a sloppy-backport should be enough for oldstable users.
They can
upgrade to stable if necessary. Once, 2.0 will be ready in Buster,
Stretch users
can use from backports.