Processing control commands: > reassign -1 appstream Bug #906544 [appstream] apt: appstreamcli error while run apt Ignoring request to reassign bug #906544 to the same package > forcemerge 906538 -1 Bug #906538 [appstream] appstream: apt-get update fails due to appstream crash Bug #906544 [appstream] apt: appstreamcli error while run apt Severity set to 'critical' from 'normal' Marked as found in versions appstream/0.12.2-1. Merged 906538 906544 > affects -1 apt Bug #906544 [appstream] apt: appstreamcli error while run apt Bug #906538 [appstream] appstream: apt-get update fails due to appstream crash Added indication that 906544 affects apt Added indication that 906538 affects apt
-- 906538: 906544: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems