¡Hola Luigi!

El 2018-07-14 a las 10:37 +0100, Chris Lamb escribió:
My interpretation of this is that the intention is to assign the copyright
to the kde project, although it's not a hundred percent clear.

I should have been clearer, sorry — I understand you are going with
whatever the file says but I am requesting that you make this clearer,
perhaps by getting a statement from upstream or similar.

"This_file_is_part_of_KDE" is really not suitable as an author,
whatever the file says, after all.

Chris raised the issue of the po files distributed by kde containing some (not very clear) template parts, in particular the copyright assignments to This_file_is_part_of_KDE.

With your kde i18n team hat on, would you consider it feasible to replace these strings with something clearer?

If the intention is for the translators to assign the copyright to kde it should be assigned to KDE.e.V, if the intention is for each translator to keep the copyright assignment the This_file_is_part_of_KDE part of the template needs to be updated to say AUTHOR <EMAIL>.

The first case should be "scriptable" the second case, would need to manually modifying each po file that contains the "This_file_is_part_of_KDE" text.

Happy hacking,
"Brilliant opportunities are cleverly disguised as insolvable problems."
-- Gardener's Philosophy

"The reverse is also true." -- Corollary
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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