X-Debbugs-CC: s...@debian.org

On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 22:36:31 +0100 Adam Borowski <kilob...@angband.pl> wrote:
> Package: xvt
> Version: 2.1-20.3
> Severity: serious
> Justification: QA query
> Hi!
> I believe that xvt is no longer suitable for inclusion in Debian, and thus
> propose its removal.  Not only has it been dead upstream since times
> immemorial but also it lacks features so basic it's mind-boggling.
> For example, I believed that Windows 3.11's TELNET.EXE was the last terminal
> in existence that lacked color support.  Turns out, here we ship xvt, in
> 2018.  Or, no UTF-8 support is probably worth a RC bug on its own.
> More than two decades ago, xvt was superseded by its fork rxvt, which in
> turn spawned a multitude of forks on its own.  I for one remember using a
> bunch of them on IRIX, when the world was still young...  Those forks have
> then died out around the beginning of this millenium, of them only
> rxvt-unicode is still struggling along.
> As this package is still nominally maintained (well, your last upload was in
> 2006...), I can't file a RoQA immediately.  Thus, please tell me whether it
> should be removed.  If not, please close this bug, otherwise I'll ask for
> removal before Buster freeze.

Hi Sam,

I noticed that the maintainer field still points to your old email (non 
@debian.org one). I'm forwarding this mail to your @debian.org mail address 
again to eusure mail delivery.

I personally second the idea of requesting package removal for xvt. If you 
agree with that, it would be better for us to do it earlier than later.

Boyuan Yang

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