Hi Andy, On 2018-05-25 08:40, Andy Li wrote:
I've a patch: https://github.com/ocaml/opam/compare/1.2.2...andyli:1.2.2-fix.patch
That's great! FWIW, I've opened this bug report so that Opam doesn't migrate to testing before being fixed or updated to a newer version. I have the feeling that OPAM team is not willing to support OPAM 1.2.2 for a long time. So it doesn't make sense, at least for me, to include it in Buster. Yesterday, I've uploaded opam-file-format to NEW. As soon as it gets accepted, I'll upload latest version of OPAM to Debian/Sid.
It's based on the discussion with upstream at https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/the-forever-beta-issue/1779/6
Thanks for the pointer. Cheers, -- Mehdi