
Thanks for the rapid feedback!

On Thursday, April 12, 2018 1:28:45 AM CDT you wrote:
> Package: googletest
> Version: 1.8.0-7
> Severity: serious
> Control: affects -1 src:gumbo-parser src:ros-rospack src:colobot
> src:arrayfire src:opensurgsim src:rapidjson src:gfal2 src:kodi src:davix
> src:libqtdbustest src:properties-cpp src:libqtdbusmock

> I do not know whether these are one or more regressions in googletest,
> or whether these are bugs in the packages that now FTBFS.

Three of the links listed:

lead to build logs that indeed are probably regressions due to the new 
googletest.  I will propose patches for each.

The remaining links lead to a summary page that says things like 
"build_id_differences_only".  Is this truly a build failure?  Can you point me 
to a build log?

Thanks again,

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