On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 06:29:06PM +1000, Alexander Zangerl wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Jan 2018 14:40:33 +0100, Adam Borowski writes:
> >I'm afraid that your package fails to build on current unstable, failing the
> >vast majority of tests:
> looks like every one of the failed tests fails for the same reason,
> (which to me indicates rather a failure of the test suite
> than a failure of duplicity itself):
>   File "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/testing/__init__.py", line 88, in unpack_testfiles
>     assert not os.system("tar xzf testfiles.tar.gz > /dev/null 2>&1")
> AssertionError
> i'll go dig deeper when i find the time, but i've got no clue how
> why that could be a platform-specific failure.

It's not: I tried on armhf (many times) and amd64 (once).

But, trying more:

machine   arch                result
armhf     armhf               ✗
arm64     arm64               ✗
arm64     armhf               ✗
amd64     amd64               ✗
amd64     i386                ✗
amd64     x32                 ✗
amd64     armhf (qemu-user)   ✗
amd64     arm64 (qemu-user)   ✗
amd64     mips  (qemu-user)   ✗
i386      i386                ✓

The machine that succeeded differs by:
* (slightly) kernel: 4.15-rc3 vs 4.15-rc6 on the rest
* decade of manufacture (a dingy pre-NX Pentium4)
* host release: stretch vs unstable on the rest
* sbuild backend: dir vs btrfs on the rest
* underlying filesystem: ext4...

Working hypothesis so far is that the testsuite fails on btrfs; I won't be
able to confirm until the evening.

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