
>When I prepared the debian package, I needed  libmumps-seq-4.10.0.
>Without  libmumps-seq-4.10.0, the SDPA package installed by apt-get 
>could not work, since apt-get could not know that SDPA requires the mumps 

this seems to be not true, usually runtime dependencies are evaluated, just 
assuming somebody dynamically
links to them.
Did you link them statically and then got that problem? if you link 
dinamically, and you build the package,
you should get the runtime dependencies automatically evaluated for you.

>And, as for OpenBLAS, as you already know that we switched from ATLAS to 
>A main reason is that OpenBLAS is much faster than ATLAS.
>It would be great that OpenBLAS would work on more plathomes.

this is not a problem, just make sure you open a bug against ftp.debian.org 
with reportbug and ask for their removal.




2017-12-24 21:38 GMT+09:00 Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org>:

>>I already applied the patch you sent before.
>>Could you give me more details on what you are indicating?
>>It is now too ambiguous to do a next step correctly.
>>Now, I cannot find any trouble.
>trouble is:
>1) you hardcode a runtime dependency on mumps, this makes impossible to do a 
>new mumps
>transition without having to full source upload sdpa each times.
>2) You are including it statically, without no good reason
>see the patch here to know how to properly do it
>https://bugs.debian.org/cgi- bin/bugreport.cgi?att=1;bug= 
>868505;filename=debdiff2;msg= 27
>other issues:
>a) it depends on openblas where it is not available. This is making the 
>package not built where it has been
>in previous releases.
>You should drop that dependency, or ask ftpmasters to remove such architectures
>https://buildd.debian.org/ status/package.php?p=sdpa& suite=unstable
>hope this clarifies a bit

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