Hi Laurent,

Laurent Bigonville:
> My 2¢ here. Why is AppArmorProfile even needed here? Shouldn't apparmor 
> figureout
> itself that it need to migrate to the system_tor domain(?)?

Good question, glad you're asking! :)

It's technically doable to have an AppArmor profile that will be
applied to any /usr/bin/tor process automatically. This is actually
how AppArmor is used in the overwhelming majority of cases. But tor is
special in that it is commonly run in different ways:

 - as a system service (instances of tor@.service)
 - run directly by users, which is not so uncommon a use case here

It's not feasible to have a single AppArmor profile cover both cases:
we know what paths the system service will access 99% of the time,
but we cannot possibly guess how a tor run by the user manually
is configured.

IIRC this is why weasel chose this implementation and I fully concur.


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