Processing commands for > reassign 878519 mozjs52 Bug #878519 {Done: Jeremy Bicha <>} [gjs] gjs: doesn't seem to work on mips (at least on minkus and mips-aql-01) Bug #878431 {Done: Jeremy Bicha <>} [gjs] gnome-documents: 3.26 FTBFS on mips during cairo configure check Bug reassigned from package 'gjs' to 'mozjs52'. Bug reassigned from package 'gjs' to 'mozjs52'. No longer marked as found in versions gjs/1.50.1-2. No longer marked as found in versions gjs/1.50.1-2. No longer marked as fixed in versions mozjs52/52.3.1-6. No longer marked as fixed in versions mozjs52/52.3.1-6. > found 878519 52.3.1-5 Bug #878519 {Done: Jeremy Bicha <>} [mozjs52] gjs: doesn't seem to work on mips (at least on minkus and mips-aql-01) Bug #878431 {Done: Jeremy Bicha <>} [mozjs52] gnome-documents: 3.26 FTBFS on mips during cairo configure check There is no source info for the package 'mozjs52' at version '52.3.1-5' with architecture '' Unable to make a source version for version '52.3.1-5' Marked as found in versions 52.3.1-5 and reopened. Marked as found in versions 52.3.1-5 and reopened. > affects 878519 gjs Bug #878519 [mozjs52] gjs: doesn't seem to work on mips (at least on minkus and mips-aql-01) Bug #878431 [mozjs52] gnome-documents: 3.26 FTBFS on mips during cairo configure check Added indication that 878519 affects gjs Added indication that 878431 affects gjs > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 878431: 878519: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems