A binNMU list is attached. cu Adrian
-- "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days. "Only a promise," Lao Er said. Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed
nmu adios_1.12.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu astroml-addons_0.2.2-4 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu astroscrappy_1.0.5-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu asyncpg_0.12.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu bcolz_1.1.0+ds1-4 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu borgbackup_1.0.11-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu breezy_3.0.0~bzr6772-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu bzr_2.7.0+bzr6622-7 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu cypari2_1.0.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu dipy_0.12.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu epigrass_2.4.7-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu fiona_1.7.9-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu fpylll_0.2.4+ds-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu h5py_2.7.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu healpy_1.10.3-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu htseq_0.6.1p1-4 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu invesalius_3.1.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu kivy_1.9.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu libgpuarray_0.6.9-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu libimobiledevice_1.2.0+dfsg-3.1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu macs_2.1.1.20160309-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu meliae_0.4.0+bzr199-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu netcdf4-python_1.2.9-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu nipy_0.4.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pandas_0.20.3-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu petsc4py_3.7.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu printrun_0~20150310-5 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pybloomfiltermmap_0.3.15-0.1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pycorrfit_1.0.0+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pyfai_0.13.0+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pygame-sdl2_6.99.12.4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pygrib_2.0.2-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pyliblo_0.10.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pymca_5.1.3+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pymssql_2.1.3+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pyresample_1.5.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pyscanfcs_0.2.3-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pysph_0~20160514.git91867dc-4 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu 8 pystemmer_1.3.0+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pytables_3.3.0-5 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python3-stdlib-extensions_3.5.3-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-acora_2.0-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-astropy_2.0.1-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-brainstorm_0.5-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-cartopy_0.14.2+dfsg1-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-cogent_1.9-11 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-cutadapt_1.13-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-djvulibre_0.8-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-fabio_0.4.0+dfsg-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-falcon_1.0.0-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-gssapi_1.2.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-libdiscid_1.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-llfuse_1.2+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-ltfatpy_1.0.9-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-pybedtools_0.7.8-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-pysam_0.11.2.2+ds-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-scipy_0.18.1-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-sfml_2.2~git20150611.196c88+dfsg-4 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-shapely_1.6.1-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-skbio_0.5.1-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-stdlib-extensions_2.7.13-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-tinycss_0.4-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu python-wheezy.template_0.1.167-1.1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu pywavelets_0.5.1-1.1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu rasterio_0.36.0-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu renpy_6.99.12.4+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu sagemath_8.0-5 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu scikit-learn_0.19.0-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu sfepy_2016.2-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu skimage_0.12.3-9 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu specutils_0.2.2-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu statsmodels_0.8.0-3 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu xpra_0.17.6+dfsg-1 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols' nmu yt_3.3.3-2 . ANY . -m 'Rebuild without fpectl symbols'