On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 10:41:39PM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 11:07:33PM +0200, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:27:00PM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > > Where can we find documentation about moving conffiles between packages?
> > 
> > 'Don't.'
> > 
> > Basically, you'll have to keep xfree86-common around, not shipping that
> > file, with a postinst that removes the file if modified.  Then you have
> > to add a Replaces: xfree86-common, from x11-common.
> Hmmm, then x11-common Pre-Depends: xfree86-common to make sure that
> xfree86-common.postinst is run before x11-common is configured,
> shouldn't it?  Or maybe remove the conffile in xfree86-common.preinst?

I guess so, yeah.  You can look at the xlibs/xkeyboard-config
relationship in Ubuntu (source packages xorg and xkeyboard-config,
respectively) to see how I sorted it out for the XKB data.

> > If you don't care about the user always getting a notice that the file
> > has been customised even when it hasn't, don't bother keeping the
> > package around with a postinst to remove the file; just ad the Replaces.
> Hmmm again, the Replaces does exist, but if the file is not removed,
> conflict still happens.  Anyway if someone has time to investigate,
> test and provide a patch, that would be very welcome.

If the file isn't removed, there's no conflict, but dpkg prompts you
because it thinks the conffile has changed.

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