On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 08:31:07AM +0200, Christoph Biedl babbled thus:
> The issues here are pretty similar so I guess it's the same thing: Up to
> and including jessie(sic!), networking wasn't brought down if there is
> something mounted using AoE.

This issue was definitely present in jessie - I discovered it while
building a test machine with jessie and AoE, and it's the reason that I
held off on upgrading my fileserver from wheezy for so long.

I believe the issue was introduced with the changeover to systemd,
which is why I initially opened the bug against systemd, not ifupdown.

In any case, the fix of adding 'no-auto-down' for any interfaces that
serve AoE appears to work well for me.  It's a slight annoyance, but it
means no more hangs on shutdown.

Mike Edwards                    |   If this email address disappears,   
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