Hello Lukas

Maybe you should create a "debian/stretch" branch from 2.4b1+debian-24 tag and commit your patch here. If you want, you can add yourself as uploader and tag it as "2.4b1+debian-25" release. Later we will merge it with "debian/master" branch.

I hope there's some DD willing to sponsor it.

Thanks for your work!



El 19/04/17 a las 10:29, Lukas Schwaighofer escribió:

I just checked the build log. I think the problem is that the Makefile
does not properly enforce the correct build order: PROGS actually
depend on libmissing.a. The build log shows that, at the time of the
build error, libmissing.a is not yet build (but tried to link against).
I suspect the problem surfaced due to the level of parallelism on the
buildd (-j 64).

I've prepared a minimal patch against version 2.4b1+debian-24
(currently in stretch) that should be suitable for an unblock, see

If you want I can push that into our git repo, tag it as new release
and then merge that commit into our development branch (bumping the
version for the newer changes when merging the commit log).


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