Package: jython
Version: 2.5.3-14
Severity: serious

There is no classpath for the dependencies of jython.jar defined in its
$ unzip -p /usr/share/java/jython.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | \
  grep Class-Path

This leads to the problem that dependent packages need to specify the
classpath themself, which is difficult since it is not documented in
/usr/share/docs/jython. Also, it requires tracking internal changes of
jython, since some of the dependent jar names are version dependent;
namely antlr3-runtime-3.2.jar, which makes it difficult to handle for
the dependencies over long time (f.e. for backports).

Java policy requires to have the classpath documented. I would ask you
to do this in the manifest (at least for the strong dependencies), since
this makes the usage much easier.

Thank you very much

Best regards


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