Processing commands for > unarchive 845851 Bug #845851 {Done: Gert Wollny <>} [gnustep-sqlclient] gnustep-sqlclient: switch to build depend on the metapackage default-libmysqlclient-dev Unarchived Bug 845851 > found 845851 1.8.1-1 Bug #845851 {Done: Gert Wollny <>} [gnustep-sqlclient] gnustep-sqlclient: switch to build depend on the metapackage default-libmysqlclient-dev There is no source info for the package 'gnustep-sqlclient' at version '1.8.1-1' with architecture '' Unable to make a source version for version '1.8.1-1' Marked as found in versions 1.8.1-1 and reopened. > user Setting user to (was > usertags 845851 piuparts There were no usertags set. Usertags are now: piuparts. > affects 845851 + libsqlclient1.8 Bug #845851 [gnustep-sqlclient] gnustep-sqlclient: switch to build depend on the metapackage default-libmysqlclient-dev Added indication that 845851 affects libsqlclient1.8 > found 845848 0.6.30+dfsg-1 Bug #845848 [gnokii] gnokii: switch to build depend on the metapackage default-libmysqlclient-dev Marked as found in versions gnokii/0.6.30+dfsg-1. > affects 845848 + gnokii-smsd-mysql Bug #845848 [gnokii] gnokii: switch to build depend on the metapackage default-libmysqlclient-dev Added indication that 845848 affects gnokii-smsd-mysql > usertags 845848 piuparts There were no usertags set. Usertags are now: piuparts. > affects 789927 + gcin-anthy Bug #789927 [libanthyinput0] libanthyinput0: fails to upgrade from 'sid' - trying to overwrite /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' Added indication that 789927 affects gcin-anthy > found 789927 gcin-anthy/2.8.5+dfsg1-1~exp1 Bug #789927 [libanthyinput0] libanthyinput0: fails to upgrade from 'sid' - trying to overwrite /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' The source gcin-anthy and version 2.8.5+dfsg1-1~exp1 do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions gcin-anthy/2.8.5+dfsg1-1~exp1. > found 851578 0.30.0-1 Bug #851578 {Done: Daniel Stender <>} [python-numba] python-numba: fails to install: SyntaxError: invalid syntax Marked as found in versions numba/0.30.0-1. > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 789927: 845848: 845851: 851578: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems