FWIW, the log lines leading up to that crash are: fév 08 21:36:14 curie pcscd[15485]: 00500819 winscard_svc.c:359:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00152751 hotplug_libudev.c:642:HPEstablishUSBNotifications() USB Device removed fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000398 hotplug_libudev.c:360:HPRemoveDevice() Removing USB device[0]: Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+CCID at /dev/bus/usb/001/020 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000025 readerfactory.c:608:RFRemoveReader() UnrefReader() count was: 1 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000013 eventhandler.c:176:EHDestroyEventHandler() Stomping thread. fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000014 ifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB1, usb:1050/0111:libudev:1:/dev/bus/usb/001/020 (lun: 0) fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000010 ifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2, usb:1050/0111:libudev:1:/dev/bus/usb/001/020 (lun: 0) fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000009 eventhandler.c:201:EHDestroyEventHandler() Request stopping of polling thread fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000010 ifdhandler.c:347:IFDHStopPolling() usb:1050/0111:libudev:1:/dev/bus/usb/001/020 (lun: 0) fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00347689 winscard_svc.c:359:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00047625 eventhandler.c:502:EHStatusHandlerThread() Die fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000106 eventhandler.c:216:EHDestroyEventHandler() Thread stomped. fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000013 readerfactory.c:1130:RFUnInitializeReader() Attempting shutdown of Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+CCID 00 00. fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000007 ifdhandler.c:285:IFDHCloseChannel() usb:1050/0111:libudev:1:/dev/bus/usb/001/020 (lun: 0) fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000028 ccid_usb.c:797:WriteUSB() write failed (1/20): -4 LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000054 ccid_usb.c:189:close_libusb_if_needed() libusb_exit fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000236 readerfactory.c:991:RFUnloadReader() Unloading reader driver. fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000154 hotplug_libudev.c:642:HPEstablishUSBNotifications() USB Device removed fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00452517 winscard_svc.c:359:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000406 winscard_svc.c:359:ContextThread() Received command: DISCONNECT from client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000019 winscard_svc.c:544:ContextThread() DISCONNECT rv=0x80100011 for client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000097 winscard_svc.c:359:ContextThread() Received command: RELEASE_CONTEXT from client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000013 winscard.c:226:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x1804DB5B fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000008 winscard_svc.c:470:ContextThread() RELEASE_CONTEXT rv=0x80100011 for client 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000062 winscard_svc.c:351:ContextThread() Client die: 14 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000018 winscard.c:226:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x1804DB5B fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000010 winscard_svc.c:1013:MSGCleanupClient() Thread is stopping: dwClientID=14, threadContext @0x5600a00ed690 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000007 winscard_svc.c:1019:MSGCleanupClient() Freeing SCONTEXT @0x5600a00ed690 fév 08 21:36:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000008 winscard_svc.c:1034:MSGCleanupClient() Starting suicide alarm in 60 seconds fév 08 21:37:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 60000100 pcscdaemon.c:192:signal_thread() Received signal: 14 fév 08 21:37:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000023 pcscdaemon.c:225:signal_thread() Preparing for suicide fév 08 21:37:15 curie pcscd[15485]: 00001280 hotplug_libudev.c:710:HPStopHotPluggables() Hotplug stopped fév 08 21:37:16 curie pcscd[15485]: 01000100 readerfactory.c:1363:RFCleanupReaders() entering cleaning function fév 08 21:37:16 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000027 winscard_svc.c:152:ContextsDeinitialize() remaining threads: 0 fév 08 21:37:16 curie pcscd[15485]: 00000007 pcscdaemon.c:781:at_exit() cleaning /var/run/pcscd
A. -- Il est sage de nous réconcilier avec notre adolescence ; haїr, mépriser, nier ou simplement oublier l’adolescent que nous fûmes est en soi une attitude adolescente. - Daniel Pennac, Comme un roman