Hi Afif,

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 09:47:56PM -0800, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
> > Its no real problem.  I think it will not happen to frequently since the
> > situation to save package for upcoming releases is only every second
> > year - perhaps posting the fact you are working in a separate branch
> > would help in such cases.
> Fair enough. I thought it might have been sufficient to post updates to
> the upstream tracker since the bug was marked as forwarded.

I admit I'm not happy about the BTS feature which moves "Forwarded bugs
-- Serious" below "Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items".  I would prefer
if these would stay on top of the bugs page.  Since I forget this all
the time I was stumbling about this quite late in our bug squashing
effort.  So I most probably over reacted yesterday a bit without diving
more into the details of the issue.
> >  Feel free to replace everything I did by your
> > probably more advanced changes since you know the internals way better.
> > I also do not consider my time terribly wasted since I now have some
> > insight into these packages.
> Thanks.

I should explicitly say "also cme formating changes". ;-)
> As a quick update (also posted to the upstream tracker), some changes in
> blasr 5's handling of SAM/BAM files is causing the main problems now.
> Fixing it in pbhoney would require some more intrusive changes, which I
> could probably handle, but I don't think it would be a good idea to
> proceed without upstream's cooperation on this. It's possible that
> pbsuite will not be released with Stretch because of this.

That's OK.  We will manage to get several new packages into Stretch and
others are just missing.  Backports will help users until Stretch+1. :-)
Kind regards



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