Control: severity 849034 important

* Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer [Wed, Dec 21 2016, 09:46:14PM]:
> Package: broadcom-sta-dkms
> Version:
> Severity: serious
> Justification: The package becomes unusable
> I've found out that using the debian revision -5 of this package leaves
> me without being able to connect to any network, failing on every attempt.

It works for me and at least the guy who submitted the recent patch.

Are you using network-manager (probably even without knowing)?
Did you turn off MAC address randomization?

> If I downgrade to the -4 version I can get the WiFi to work again.

I doubt that this is the only reason. This driver is so buggy and
unpredictable that it's hard to attribute errors correctly.

Try adding


to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and rebooting.


Every great idea is worthless without someone to do the work. --Neil Williams

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