Control: unmerge -1
Control: reassign -1 firmware-misc-nonfree 20161130-1

On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 14:33 +1300, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Ben,
> you reassigned this bug to initramfs-tools and removed the version. As 
> detailed in #847343, I wanted to keep this bug on firmware-misc-nonfree 
> because:
> (1) it protects apt-listbugs users from upgrading firmware-misc-nonfree 
> and being hit by #847340, and

Doesn't apt-listbugs see bugs that 'affect' a package?

> (2) firmware-misc-nonfree lacks "Breaks: initramfs-tools (<=
> 0.125)" which it will need even after #847340 is fixed.

I won't add that Breaks line because:
- Only the combination of the new firmware-misc-nonfree *and* plymouth
  breaks with the unfixed initramfs-tools
- jessie and jessie-backports will never have a version of initramfs-
  tools that satisfies that
- jessie can get a fix for this in a stable update

> If you are sure that you want this bug on initramfs-tools, I will defer 
> to your expertise, but I do not see how this addresses my points above.

I agree we need to stop this version of firmware-nonfree going into
testing before initramfs-tools is fixed, so I'm assigning this bug


Ben Hutchings
When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson

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