On Mon, 21 Nov 2016, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Oh, and forgot to mention, this issue has been known for over 8
> months, and now there's this need to be pushy and rush things, etc.
> I certainly do not appreciate that.

I have not been involved in this project so I don't know its history
but #843073 is not 8 months old and I only discovered the problem
when I read about in on debian-devel and yet I have followed former
discussions on debian-devel about merged-/usr.

I can understand that this project was of no interest to you and that
while you were aware of the problem for 8 months, you did not want to fix
it by yourself. But then I'm also sympathetic to people who want
to get their project moving forward and I'm always happy to assist them
when it touches code that I wrote in dpkg. Feel free to direct such people
towards me when you are not interested yourself.

In this specific case, the merged-/usr was mostly done and ready before
the freeze but then this problem (which was possibly underrated by Marco
or whoever else was aware of it) came into light. I would not like that we
end up with this feature reverted at freeze time because you did not find
the time to merge the patch. Hence my query.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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