severity 812532 serious

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 12:36:18AM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> Control: severity -1 grave

Please don't play severity games, it's not at all helpful.  

> On Jan 24, Marco d'Itri <> wrote:

> > which have the same name of file installed by the hostname package in 
> > /bin/, so this breaks the package when installed on a marged /usr system.

> Merged /usr is the default since debootstrap 1.0.85, so the package
> is uninstallable on new systems.

Which was uploaded yesterday without warning which isn't exactly
helpful, there's not even been a proposal from anyone working on this
for how to fix it.  I would expect that if something like this were
going to be imposed it'd be imposed towards the start of the release
cycle rather than at the very end.

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