severity 838819 normal

On Sun, 25 Sep 2016, Josh Stern wrote:

> I'm a newbie to apache & wordpress, working with testing out wordpress
> in a virtual hosts configuration on my own box.  After getting
> wordpress up and running, I found that a lot of basic functionality
> was not working correctly & it took me a while to track down the
> problem.  It turns out that many wordpress packages require a
> permalinks setup other than the default to function.  However,
> wordpress's ability to find it's own pages with permalinks other than
> the default seems to depend on apache2 having mod_rewrite enabled,
> which was not true of the default installation, & seemingly not well
> documented by wordpress, either online or on the debian system.
> Ideally this info should appear as part of a prominent README and
> perhaps be configured by the wordpress package installation.   I
> understand that mod_rewrite may be considered a minor security risk,
> but seemingly one accepts that with the decision to use the wordpress
> package.


I'm not the maintainer, but WordPress works fine with nginx, which has
nothing to do with Apache, so there is not really a "dependency" on
Apache's mod_rewrite.

I'm downgrading this to normal because it's a documentation bug at most.
(Documentation bugs are usually minor or normal, unless the bug is that
we tell the user to "rm -rf /" as root or things like that).

Maybe the documentation you ask is in


(examples are also considered to be "documentation")


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