Package: src:libconfig-model-itself-perl
Version: 2.005-1
Affects: src:libconfig-model-itself-perl
Severity: serious

Dear maintainer:

This package FTBFS in unstable, even when using libconfig-model-perl
version 2.090-1, so this seems to be a problem different than the one
that was reported in bugs #837133 and #837613.

I'm reporting this against libconfig-model-itself-perl because that's
the package which FTBFS, but of course it is completely possible (and
maybe likely) that this is still a bug in libconfig-model-perl.

But I'm no perl expert to tell, so I leave that detail to you. If you
need to reassign, just do. This time I'm using affects just from the
beginning as an experiment to see if it works.

The full build log is attached.


Attachment: libconfig-model-itself-perl_2.005-1_amd64-20160912T221114Z.gz
Description: application/gzip

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