To whom it may concern, I am forwarding you an email discovered in my inbox. It appears to have been sent from my account to the following addresses; [image:'s profile photo] My concerns are as follows; - I currently have no interactions, business dealing nor communications with the Debian software - I have not sent any emails to Debian Might I inquire how or why debian is connecting with my gmail? And how an email send from me, without me CC'd -in has found its way into my inbox. >From my understanding, an inbox is a vehicle for received information, not sent. Please could you confirm. I would assume this as Spam had it not been for the addresses attached. Best, A ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: 2 September 2016 at 11:00 Subject: WWW: To:, "W. Martin Borgert" <> You cannot miss this 8O*chances_______________ at millions. GET__H£R£ <> <>