Source: anfo
Version: 0.98-4
Severity: serious
Tags: patch
Justification: makes the package in question unusable or mostly so
Control: block 835170 by -1

Dear Maintainer,

The recent upload of protobuf 3.0.0 to unstable has started an
uncoordinated transition (#835170). Unfortunately your package FTBFS
with the new protobuf packages:

 devlibs error: There is no package matching [libprotobuf10-dev] and
 noone provides it, please report bug to d-shlibs maintainer

The attached patch fixes the issue by adding an override for
libprotobuf10-dev. Please include that change in the next upload.

Kind Regards,

diff -Nru anfo-0.98/debian/rules anfo-0.98/debian/rules
--- anfo-0.98/debian/rules	2014-02-08 08:37:19.000000000 +0100
+++ anfo-0.98/debian/rules	2016-08-25 17:34:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 		    --override s/libpopt0-dev/libpopt-dev/ \
 		    --override s/libprotobuf7-dev/libprotobuf-dev/ \
 		    --override s/libprotobuf8-dev/libprotobuf-dev/ \
+		    --override s/libprotobuf10-dev/libprotobuf-dev/ \
 		    --override s/libbz2-1.0-dev/libbz2-dev/ \
 		    --movedev debian/tmp/usr/include/* usr/include \

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