Julian Mehnle wrote:

Daniel Schepler wrote:
If I add netbase to the Build-Depends, the package builds fine [in my
pbuilder chroot].

Is it really necessary to list "netbase" in a package's "Build-Depends (-Indep)" control field? Or could there be something wrong with your pbuilder?

(Sorry, I have little experience with Debian packages that require a net connection during building.)
That'll be because they shouldn't exist. I'm not sure offhand whether it's ever made it as far as policy, but it's been discussed several times (sometimes in the context of trying to update sources from upstream revision control systems, sometimes for tests), and the general consensus, AFAIR, has always been "don't" -- if it's "only" a test, you should probably skip it.

I'm not sure what the feeling would be about trying to detect whether or not the requisite infrastructure is present and running the tests in question if so would be; probably still "don't" (as it will enable 'someone' to detect where builds are happening).



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