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On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 01:10:51PM -0400, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:
> "hime.postinst configure" fails because it performs "set -e" at the top
> then tests "dpkg --compare-versions".  The lines
>     dpkg --compare-versions $2 lt 0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-3~
>     if [ $? ]; then
> should instead read
>     if dpkg --compare-versions $2 lt 0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-3~; then
> Thanks!

I cannot reprocedure the issue when doing flash install on
0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-4. The only way to reprocedure the issue is to
upgrade from 0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-3 to 0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-4.
Could you help to confirm that?

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <>
Debian Developer (
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