Hi Andreas,

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 11:01 PM, Andreas Beckmann <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> an upgrade test with piuparts revealed that your package installs files
> over existing symlinks and possibly overwrites files owned by other
> packages. This usually means an old version of the package shipped a
> symlink but that was later replaced by a real (and non-empty)
> directory. This kind of overwriting another package's files cannot be
> detected by dpkg.
> This was observed on the following upgrade paths:
>   jessie -> sid
 I've fixed it, but not 101% sure in the result. I couldn't even run
my local piuparts jessie -> sid upgrade test as:
# piuparts --skip-logrotatefiles-test --warn-on-others --no-eatmydata
--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts --allow-database
--warn-on-leftovers-after-purge  --mirror
'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian main' --tmpdir /mnt/1/piuparts --arch
amd64 -b [PATH]/jessie-amd64-base.tgz -d stable -d sid --apt
It fails that can't find 0.4.9-2 version of python-greenlet-dbg.
May you check the proposed package update[1]?

Thanks in advance,
[1] dget -x http://www.barcikacomp.hu/gcs/python-greenlet_0.4.10-1.dsc

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