Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Thu, 19 May 2016 16:13:59 +0200 Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:

> Package: apt-listbugs
> Version: 0.1.17
> Severity: serious
> Dear Maintainer,
> I encountered an apt-listbugs segfault when it was run
>   as part of an apt invocation.

Hello Nicolas,
thanks for your bug report.

Please do not inflate the severity, though: I use apt-listbugs/0.1.17
on a number of machines, and I have never experienced any segfault.

> Please find enclosed a log of what was displayed on the terminal,
>   along with the resulting coredump.

Thanks for all this information, I will soon try to understand what's
going on.

In the meanwhile, could you please do the following test?

Please invoke the interactive Ruby interpreter and issue the following

  $ irb
  irb(main):001:0> require 'unicode'
  => true
  irb(main):002:0> Unicode.width("that is")
  => 7
  irb(main):003:0> Unicode.width("cioè")
  => 4
  irb(main):004:0> exit

Please let me know, thanks.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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