Hi Ansgar, Le 19/01/2016 17:11, Ansgar Burchardt a écrit :
> I suggest to remove the package from Debian. If there are no > objections, I'll reassign the request to the ftp.debian.org pseudo- > package later. FYI the fate of the jenkins package is currently being discussed on the debian-java list: https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2016/01/msg00019.html > I'm also wondering if "jenkins-memory-monitor" should also be removed > at the same time or if it is also useful without jenkins? jenkins-memory-monitor can indeed be removed with jenkins, as well as the various plugins packaged and some libraries. Here is a quick list: access-modifier-checker bytecode-compatibility-transformer jellydoc jenkins-ant-plugin jenkins-antisamy-markup-formatter-plugin jenkins-commons-jelly jenkins-commons-jexl jenkins-constant-pool-scanner jenkins-crypto-util jenkins-dom4j jenkins-executable-war jenkins-htmlunit jenkins-htmlunit-core-js jenkins-instance-identity jenkins-json jenkins-mailer-plugin jenkins-matrix-auth-plugin jenkins-matrix-project-plugin jenkins-memory-monitor jenkins-remoting jenkins-ssh-cli-auth jenkins-task-reactor jenkins-test-annotations jenkins-trilead-ssh2 jenkins-winstone jenkins-xstream maven-hpi-plugin maven-stapler-plugin sezpoz stapler stapler-adjunct-codemirror stapler-adjunct-timeline Emmanuel Bourg