Le 22/12/2015 00:38, Mehdi Dogguy a écrit :
>> The change done in unison 2.48 to overcome this looks pretty big... I'm
>> not sure I'll be able/willing to provide a unison2.40.102 any more.
>> Moreover, this package was created to provide compatibility with
>> previous Debian releases, but another change in OCaml 4.02 makes it
>> incompatible anyway (both communicating unisons need to be compiled with
>> the same version of OCaml in practice, which won't be the case any more
>> when one side is Debian stable, and the other Debian testing). IMHO,
>> that's a design flaw in Unison that cannot be easily fixed.
> A possible way out for stable (and old-stable) users could be to use 2.48
> from backports, when 2.48 will be packaged and migrated to testing.
No, 2.48 from backports will be compiled with stable's version of OCaml
(4.01.0) whereas 2.48 from testing will (eventually) be compiled with
testing's version of OCaml (4.02.3), making both versions incompatible.

Personally, what I do when dealing with inter-release synchronization
involves using schroot... I heard of people copying binaries around, and
others recompiling unison locally on one system. I don't know which
solution is the best. The situation sucks.



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