reopen 804317
notfixed 1:5.1.0~alpha1-3
notfixed 1:5.0.3~rc2-1


On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 03:26:45PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> I think we have been talking about two different but entangled issues:

Yes, probably.

> In 1:5.0.3~rc1-2 you fixed the copyright file issue by adding
> dir_to_symlink "everywhere". This exploded on upgrades if both
> libreoffice-dev-doc and libreoffice-dev are installed. These are the
> bugs you are trying to fix :-)


> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/docs/* (THEBIGTREE)
> but on upgrades the symlink
> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/docs -> ../libreoffice-dev/docs
> is retained and the THEBIGTREE actually resides in
> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev/docs
> which I can also see in jessie->sid upgrades in piuparts
> (installs-over-symlink ...)

But I don't have that issue. See my previous reply.
Probably it's - as you say here ...

> The Conflicts you added seem to work for most upgrade paths (by causing
> removal and reinstallation of libreoffice-dev-doc, but not in cases

... a issue not showed in "real life" installs :)

But yes, that was the plan. And works at least in my tests (libreoffice-dev
and libreoffice-dev-doc) installed. :)

> So here comes my proposed solution to fix this whole mess:
> Has ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/ ever been something else than a
> directory? I don't think so.

No, it explicitely was exluded from --link-doc=

> Lets consider the locations
> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/docs
> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev/docs
> as "burned" and recovering them from possible nested symlinks will be
> nearly impossible. So let's move the tree away from there, e.g. to
> ./usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/devdocs
> (important: this directory must have never been used before)
> Is the location /usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev-doc/docs used anywhere?

Well, no. the "canonical" upstream place is <sdk dir>/docs, which
is /usr/lib/libreoffice/sdk/docs (which right now is a symlink.)

The symlink is because upstreams make install (un)helpfully installs them
in /usr/share/doc/libreoffice (!) - it's docs after all - and we ourselves move
it just to a different package. And create the /usr/lib/libreoffice/sdk/docs

> * it's the target of the api link, that can be changed easily


> * are there more uses or could we just drop it completely from the package?

theroretically it can be moved. /usr/lib/libreoffice/sdk/docs would result in
a new symlink_to_dir conversion, though, too

> Can you give me some hints how to speed up building libreoffice
> packages, since all I'm interested in testing maintainer script changes ...

Except DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="lang=en-US" to just build english and skip 
- not really. (and parallelism which is determined automatically). You also
can disable the -dbg and -subsequentcheck packages (BUILD_DBG_PACKAGE and
BUILD_TEST_PACKAGE) in rules. At least the first one takes a big time to be 
created ;)

And of course you should do debuild -b -nc on second and further attempts 
(maybe after
rm debian/stampdir/install*) to not needing to rebuild it completly.



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