Processing commands for > tags 793669 + sid stretch Bug #793669 {Done: Scott Kitterman <>} [pyside] FTBFS when python 3.5 is supported Added tag(s) sid and stretch. > tags 792310 + sid Bug #792310 [src:matplotlib] matplotlib: FTBFS with multiple version of Python 3 Added tag(s) sid. > tags 800642 + sid Bug #800642 [pythia8] pythia8 depends on obsolete package liblhapdf0 Added tag(s) sid. > tags 800477 + sid Bug #800477 [libxine2] libxine2 Sid upgrade fail: 2 unmet dependencies Added tag(s) sid. > tags 800023 + sid stretch Bug #800023 {Done: Stephen Kitt <>} [src:mail-notification] Depends on gstreamer0.10-tools Added tag(s) stretch and sid. > notfound 799992 15.08.1-1 Bug #799992 [src:kmix] kmix: FTBFS: The dependency target "kmixctrl_automoc" of target "kmixctrl" does not exist The source 'kmix' and version '15.08.1-1' do not appear to match any binary packages No longer marked as found in versions kmix/15.08.1-1. > found 799992 4:15.08.1-1 Bug #799992 [src:kmix] kmix: FTBFS: The dependency target "kmixctrl_automoc" of target "kmixctrl" does not exist Marked as found in versions kmix/4:15.08.1-1. > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 792310: 793669: 799992: 800023: 800477: 800642: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems