Control: tags -1 unreproducible moreinfo
Control: severity -1 important

On Sat, 05 Sep 2015 23:35:22 -0400 Norman Ramsey <> wrote:
> After a recent upgrade from wheezy to jessie, wmbattery no longer
> tracks battery information in real time. The time remaining and
> charge percentage are accurate when launched, but they don't change.
> wmbattery *does* notice a power-loss or power-acquisition event,
> and when it responds to these, it also updates percentage charge and
> time remaining. But otherwise they do not track.
> On the command line, acpi reports good information, and gkrellm's
> battery monitor tracks changes to charge percentage in real time.
> I marked the bug 'grave' since the only purpose of the package is to
> monitor battery status in real time, and if the status is not updated,
> the package is not fulfilling its intended purpose.
> I mostly run a standard jessie installation, but just in case I did
> install the latest wmbattery from stretch. Still not updating.

Thanks for your report!

I'm not able to reproduce this problem, so I'm downgrading the bug to
important.  Could you provide some more information?

In particular, could you run "upower --monitor-detail" from the command
line?  It should periodically print out a status report with information
about your battery.  If it doesn't, then this is likely an issue with
upower.  (Note that wmbattery switched to using upower in 2.42, right
after the version that was in wheezy.)

Doug Torrance

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