I have similar issue after upgrading to the latest Iceweasel update
(38.2.1-esr1 / SID).
Don't really know if the following has anything in relation with this,
but it does appear in #dmesg# when Iceweasel crashes :

> Chrome_ChildThr[27701]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f7d66c62f6c sp
00007f7d56979470 error 6 in libmozalloc.so[7f7d66c62000+2000]

I reproduced the bug for several times, and it always appears on opening
sites that contain some videos or flash applications (but not
necessarily flash only). Plain text or HTML sites work without problem.
Tried to downgrade to version in Stretch repository, same issue... Then
I tried to remove my profile in ~/.mozilla/firefox and run Iceweasel
with a new one : it worked for a moment, and then the bug got back.
Tried to disable all add-ons too, but no effect.
I downgraded then on version 38.2.0esr-1~deb8u1 form Stable repository,
seems to work fine for the moment, I say for the moment as the bug 
ocurred only once even with this "stable package".


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