Hi Dan!

Am 07.05.2015 um 18:09 schrieb Dan Williams:
> On Thu, 2015-05-07 at 13:15 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 May 2015, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>> The attached patch should fix the issue. Will poke upstream for a review
>>> and upload tomorrow.
>> Thanks for the quick fix!
> Got found and fixed yesterday in nm-1-0...

Hm, I don't do any changes in the nm-1-0 related to that. Where those
fixes not pushed?

> In git master there is no longer fallback if resolvconf fails for some
> reason; but the resolv.conf manager is now a config option.  So we'd
> expect distros to ship a sub-package that drops a config snippet
> into /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ enabling resolvconf which also requires
> the resolvconf package itself, so that when the config option is set,
> resolvconf is always installed.  We may need some tweaking of the
> default handling here, but the idea is that if the user specifically
> chose resolvconf and it fails, that should be a hard failure and NM
> shouldn't be touching resolv.conf since the user told NM not to...

I kind of liked the if-resolvconf-found-use-it behaviour.
The new behaviour will be a bit icky if I go the subpackage route due to
how conffiles are handled.
conffiles (config files in /etc/) are not automatically removed by dpkg
if the package is removed (they are only removed on purge).
So if the user uninstalles (but doesn't purge) the sub-package, the
conf.d snippet will stay around and he'll get resolv.conf failures
because it's no longer guaranteed the resolvconf package is installed.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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