Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:

> But having mysql-5.5 and mariadb-10.0 in jessie is apparently no
> problem, despite previous claims. What's the difference?

To properly migrate over a daemon they need to co-exist for a stable
release, while a lib does not. Stretch will only have one of them.

> How do you think this should go forward?

When someone made a strawpoll amongst the multimedia maintainers
last year it boiled down to "libav for jessie, since it's now to late".
You should revisit that decision now that the release cycle has started.
(Beside pkg-multimedia-maintainers, this certainly also includes
maintainers like Balint which maintain relevant multimedia apps outside of

If no convinging/clear majority can be reached, let the CTTE decide.

Having both for a year along each other will only waste people's time. Now
at the beginning of the release cycle is the time to make a decision,
not by dragging things into a year as of today. Picking one of the two
won't be any simpler in 12 months.


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