Am 17.03.2015 um 23:02 schrieb Robert Pumphrey:

> I have identified a duff init.d script (one of our own that previously
> worked in wheezy) that is at the root of this problem. I have removed
> the script, rebooted and the I can now run systemctl daemon-reload
> withough a seg fault.
> This bug may just indicate that systemd poorly handles a bad init
> script. Please let me know if you would like details of our broken
> script, otherwise, I am happy for this to be closed.

If you can share this init script, this would be appreciated.
systemd certainly shouldn't die because of such a faulty init script and
I'm actually surprised it does, since the SysV support is basically done
in an external generator. So there must be something very fishy with the
generated unit.

As said, if you can attach the faulty init script, that would be great.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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