On 02-02-15 01:51, s...@kub.cz wrote:
> I have installed package this package and I am getting behaviour very
> close if not equeal
> to bug 774839. The only difference beeing, that I did not installed the
> package manually
> but using normal debian way
>   sudo aptitude install lazarus-ide-qt4-1.2.4

Looking at your dependency list, you updated the package, right? I mean,
you have older versions installed? Anyways, the "debian" way for lazarus
is not to install the versioned package, but the unversioned equavalent:
i.e. lazarus-ide-qt4.

> I would be glad is I can provide more information about this bug.

Could you let me know the content of /etc/lazarus/? And also tell me if
that directory is a symlink or not. Also, what is the content of your
~/.lazarus/helpoptions.xml and ~/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml (if you
are willing to share).

> I did not find any combination of settings which would work (I thied
> i386 because I have multiarch
> deban setup so I guessed that it might work).

Does it help if you rename your ~/.lazarus direcory temporarily? (Let's
keep the i386 version out of the way while we are trying to fix the
issue, that complicates it more than it helps.)


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