On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:45:28 +0100
Matthias Klose <d...@debian.org> wrote:

> reopen 769797
> found 769797 4.9.1-4
> thanks
> On 01/18/2015 11:51 AM, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> > Your message dated Sun, 18 Jan 2015 10:46:31 +0000
> > with message-id <20150118104631.13a3ecaf@sylvester.codehelp>
> > and subject line No longer found
> > has caused the Debian Bug report #769797,
> > regarding gnat-4.9: FTBFS: Needs update for gcc-4.9-4.9.2
> > to be marked as done.
> unless you tell me how the b-d
>   gcc-4.9-source (<< 4.9.2)
> is satisfied in unstable, please leave this issue open.

That doesn't make sense. gnat-4.9 in unstable has build-dependencies
which can be satisfied in unstable. gnat-4.9 in testing has
build-dependencies which can be satisfied in testing.

Why would the build-dependency gcc-4.9-source (<< 4.9.2) in gnat-4.9 in
*testing* be relevant when checked in unstable?

gnat-4.9 in testing does build just fine, in testing, so the bug title
is - at least - inaccurate. There is no FTBFS in gnat-4.9 4.9.1-4
unless trying to build in unstable - which is unnecessary because
Policy doesn't require that packages in testing build in unstable - it
does that the packages in testing build in testing. In my tests, that
requirement is met.

What is the actual purpose of this bug? Why is a build-dependency
constraint in testing relevant to builds in unstable? It's not as if
gnat-4.9 is about to migrate into testing, even then the new version
would migrate with the constraints met.


Neil Williams

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