severity 775150 important


On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 01:34:38AM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Package: libreoffice-core
> Version: 1:4.3.3-2
> Severity: serious


> during a test with piuparts and DOSE tools I noticed your package causes
> removal of files that also belong to another package.
> The installation sequence to reproduce this problem is
>   apt-get install libreoffice-common
>   # (1)
>   apt-get install libreoffice-core
>   apt-get remove libreoffice-core
>   # (2)

And libreoffice-common without libreoffice-core is totally useless. And
who with a sane min would do the above anyway? This is an artificial example
caused by piuparts, probably not happening in real-life installs.

> 0m58.4s ERROR: FAIL: After purging files have disappeared:
>   /var/spool/libreoffice/        owned by: libreoffice-common
>   /var/spool/libreoffice/uno_packages/   owned by: libreoffice-common
>   /var/spool/libreoffice/uno_packages/cache/     owned by: libreoffice-common

Yes, a *cache* for installed system-wide extensions. (Noadays even unused.)

Yes, it might be a problem if you now installed -core and did unoĆ¼kg
but again, that mechanism isn't really used by packages now.

> This is caused by libreoffice-core.postrm which does
>     if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
>         rm -rf /var/spool/libreoffice
>     fi

Which is done because of apt-get remove ordering, where -core usually is/was
removed after -common.

In any case, if this was a bug this is too late to fix for jessie. And it's
not RC.

Please stop filing anything you get from piuparts or some other tool as an
RC bug without thinking. This is not the first one.



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